Saturday, October 20, 2007

Is it just me or do you think that wikipedia could use better presentation of information?

Don't get me wrong. I am a big fan of wikipedia. I treat it as a good source of information, and hang out frequently devouring information on pages after pages on wikipedia. However, after reading some number of pages, it just starts to drag. Again, don't get me wrong. The information is wonderful, but the presentation needs some work. I can't tell exactly what is wrong. Maybe using a different font or maybe line spacing or maybe page layout might make the difference. Maybe all the pages have too many links and these links are blue and are underlined, which starts to hurt the eyes after some reading. I cannot precisely pinpoint what's wrong in the presentation of pages, but all I can tell that there's something missing.

In general, that's something I've always felt about software applications. Great applications have features that you won't even notice because such features just gel naturally with usability. However, when such features are absent, its just hard to define them. I guess that's what separates good applications from great ones.

1. In the browser, you use CTRL-F to find text on a webpage. In Internet Explorer, CTRL-F opens up a dialog box. You have to keep juggling this find dialog box as you search for the text on the webpage. In Firefox, CTRL-F makes search textfield and related buttons viewable at the bottom of the browser window which is just so convenient. Moreover, as you type the text in the search textfield, it changes background color of the textfield to red if it cannot find the text, or green if it can.

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